Stress and Hormones: Staying Balanced and Real

Hey, friends! Life can be a wild ride, right? We all know that feeling when stress hits, and suddenly, our hormones seem to be on a rollercoaster. Well, as a hormone and skin coach, I'm here to break it down with you. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how stress and hormones are besties and how we can help them get along better.


Understanding the Hormone-Stress Connection:

Imagine this: You're juggling work, family, and life's twists and turns. Stress? It's the unwelcome guest who won't leave. Meet cortisol, your body's stress-response hero. When stress comes knocking, cortisol steps up, giving you the energy to handle it. But when stress overstays its welcome, things get messy. Hormonal imbalances, sleepless nights, and skin acting up – it's like a hormonal party gone haywire!

Practical Solutions:

Smart Eating: Let's talk food. Think colorful plates filled with veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Sugar? It's that unreliable friend – fun at first but messing with your hormones later. Cut back, and your hormones will appreciate it.

Stay Active, Stay Happy: Exercise isn't just about fitting into those jeans; it's a stress-buster. Whether it's dancing to your favorite tunes or taking a leisurely stroll with your dog, make it enjoyable. Stress melts away, and hormones find their groove.

Herbs and Adaptogens:

Now, let's chat about some herbal superheroes:

Ashwagandha: This buddy is like your personal chill pill. It eases stress, making cortisol behave. Imagine your hormones giving a sigh of relief.

Shatavari: Ladies, meet your hormone's BFF. Shatavari supports reproductive health and keeps hormones in check. It's like a soothing spa day for your insides.

Lemon Balm Extract: Feeling anxious? Lemon balm is your calm companion. It's the pause button for stress, calming both your mind and hormones.

Wild Green Oat (Neuravena): Brain fog? Not today! Neuravena, your cognitive ally, helps with focus and mental clarity. Your hormones will high-five you.

If you want to get all of these in one easy-to-incorporate supplement pack, my best recommendation is this Happy Hormones Pack.

Stress-Busting Strategies:

Take a Breather: Stress makes us jittery, right? Time for a breather. Meditation, deep breaths, or a nature walk – whatever floats your boat, let's make it a habit. Your hormones will appreciate the calm.

Quality Zzzs: Sleep is your hormone's secret sauce. Aim for those 7-9 hours of beauty rest. A bedtime ritual with a good book? It's like a lullaby for your hormones.

Skincare SOS:

Stress doesn't just mess with your head; it can be a bother for your skin too. Breakouts, redness – it's like your skin's rebellious phase.

Gentle Care: Treat your skin like royalty. Gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen are your skincare essentials. And don’t forget to book that monthly or seasonal facial, not only is it a reset for your skin, it also tackles that stress-busting topic we talked about.

So, my fantastic friends, as a late-30s mom and mental wellness enthusiast, I get the hustle. Balancing hormones and saying "see ya" to stress can be a journey. But it's all about progress, not perfection. Follow these real-life tips, embrace those herbal heroes and adaptogens, and watch your hormones find their groove.

Remember, we're in this together. Share the knowledge, take small steps, and soon, you'll be owning the hormone-stress balancing act like a pro. Here's to thriving, both inside and out, because you absolutely deserve it!

xx, megan


A Play-by-Play of Your 4 Hormonal Phases